“She’s More Than a Dog: How Unconditional Love Replaced Three Pills a Day” is out now.
This short book is about unconditional love and the alternative healing magic of dogs.
Allison explains how her dog Ocho unexpectedly helped with a variety of mental health issues, and she wants to share this sweet discovery with the world.
Getting a dog is the best thing to happen to anyone. Your soul just needs its mate. Dog Tribe for life.
Struggles discussed include:
Anxiety and panic attacks
Mood disorders and Rx pills
Being an HSP (highly sensitive person)
Emotional and physical Insecurity
Miscarriages and infertility
Isolation and technology overload
Feeling like a zombie robot and living more naturally
"I wrote this book primarily for people who have never owned a dog. (Because if you know, you know.) But if you are already aware that dogs are the best, this book also aims to illustrate that the joy of dogs goes beyond simply “having a pet.” They can heal, they introduce you to the best people, they tap your natural instincts, and they should be a welcomed companion whenever and wherever required." - Allison

My "Top 10 Reasons to Get a Dog"
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