“Go Say Hi” (article)
The human-dog relationship is one of mutual benefit. Historically, humans supplied food and shelter and dogs offered their protection and hunting skills. Along the way, an unshakable bond propelled both species forward. Sometimes we forget the majesty of these creatures (cue the dog Halloween costumes). But teaching a simple command, one that relies on nearly invisible forces, can keep both parties out of danger. That command is “Go say hi.” With this command in your arsenal, you will live surrounded by only the best souls on earth.
To teach the command, say it every time your dog naturally approaches someone. Consistency is key. This will be easier if you have an innocent and boisterous puppy or a naturally friendly adult dog. If your dog is shy or untrusting, practice with the people already in your orbit and slowly work outwards.
Once the “Go say hi” command is engrained, tell it to your dog the next time you are meeting someone new, whether that’s an adult, child, or another pet. If your dog approaches as instructed, you get to revel in the warmth of sharing animal love and meeting a new friend. But if your dog hesitates or walks in reverse, you have been signaled to avoid that person or group. Do not question it. Your dog learned the command and is speaking back to you with its actions. What’s the reason? It could be bad vibes or a more serious threat. Does it really matter? Just move on. You’ve not only saved yourself from a potentially bad situation, but you’ve protected your beloved dog as well.
I’ve witnessed this phenomenon consistently across my dog’s four years of life. If she’s ecstatic to meet someone, that person always ends up being above average in the nice department. Think nuns, animal sanctuary owners, or the friendliest neighbor on the block. The people she’s avoided, once I paid attention, did in fact have a darkness around them.
On the whole, dogs are an insane judge of character and their assessment is immediate. It’s a superpower and one we humans have no doubt relied upon in the past. And as the world evolves more towards screens and less around good old fashioned in-person mingling, we need this additional interpersonal sense more than ever. Utilizing the forces that we cannot see is a primal upgrade.
Once your dog’s vibe detection feedback is up and running, you’ll be hooked on tapping the mystical and wolfish ways of the dog. A complimentary command is “Look at me.” You teach it the same way by saying it when your dog naturally does it. Once harnessed, you further deepen your nonverbal communication in any environment. More importantly, you align more with their world and in turn, your own animal self. That feedback loop has no limits.
With a dog by your side, the world is once again a simple place. Easing the communication between you will heighten the gifts you share.
Ocho the flower child